Simple Solutions That Work! Issue 6

Whereas our last issue explored the future of the foundry, this month we are discussing how to make change happen. It’s not as simple as adding a plug-n-play 3D printer or scanner. Adding automation and newer technologies involves rethinking your processes and that always involves system integration, advanced controls, and monitoring systems. First you need to cross the bridge that your production has to be integrated to be competitive. Once that decision has been made then you really need to look hard at every piece of machinery and how it works with the rest of your equipment. One of the rude awakenings many are finding is that that automation and controls engineers need to be given latitude to think big. And, that means management needs to be a bit more flexible than they have in the past. Traditional management methods are being tossed out as fast as newer technologies are emerging. It’s not just about new equipment that is making production faster, better, and more efficient, it is also about a flexible management mindset that embraces change. In this issue we have brought perspectives on how to go about adding these newer technologies. We have also added an “Emerging Technologies” column where the latest and the greatest will be discussed by an Additive Manufacturing expert in our field, Will Shambley, President, Metal Fish (formerly co-founder Viridis3D). And, if you have a technology experience you would like to include in our next issue, please share your story here: Learning from each other is what this collaborative environment is all about. Regards, Jack Palmer President, Palmer Manufacturing & Supply, Inc. jack@ palmer A NOTE TO OUR READERS