Simple Solutions That Work! Issue 20

60 600#/hr. X 20 hours melting per day x 340 days/year melting = 4,080,000# of aluminum melted per year in this furnace. In a typical gas fired furnace you are lose about 3% in metal melt loss. However, for the purposes of this research we will use 3%. 3% of 4,080,000# is 122,400# of metal melt loss. You can achieve less than 1% but we will use 1% (for comparison) you will lose 40,800# to metal melt loss. By using the electric reverb you will save over 81,600# @ $ 1.150/# = $93,840.00 saved per year. Depending upon your costs for electricity vs natural gas your energy costs will be $60,996.00 (using .065 cents per kW) to operate electric and $42,705.00 to melt with gas (using $6.50/ 1000 cubic feet), so you spend an additional $18,291.00 to melt with electricity*. Add up the savings minus the extra costs and the difference is still less than a year payback. Savings in metal melt loss = $ 93,840.00 Minus difference to melt with electricity = $ 18,291.00 Total one year savings = $ 75,549.00/year in metal As a matter of fact, that will pay for the entire new furnace in less than 3 years. Obviously, these numbers are theoretical. However, the numbers we publish are conservative and with proper charging practices and cleaning procedures you can hit these numbers. ELECTRIC REVERB PROS: 1. No need to obtain a permit for the flue, and less heat in your building 2. Quiet operation 3. Very high-quality metal 4. Reduced emissions from: 148.41#/Hr.C02 to 0, 118.14#/Hr. of H20 to 0 and 708.294#/Hr of NOx to 0 ELECTRIC REVERB CONS: 1. Electric reverbs do not have a very good recovery rate 2. You must evenly charge the electric or it will lose temperature and have a hard time recovering the loss 3. Electric furnaces grow oxide just like gas fired furnaces 4. They usually hold about 9-10 times what they melt, this is called their hold to melt ratio Photo courtesy of: The Schaefer Group, Inc. HOLDING COSTS To hold metal only with well covers in place you should use 30-38 (avg 35) BTU/lb/hr for a gas fired melter* (182,600 BTU/hr) and .005968 kW/lb/hr in the electric** ( 31.035 kW/hr) @ 1250° F. Your furnace holds about 5,200#. These numbers are built into the melting numbers since you do not melt the entire 60 minutes of an hour.