Simple Solutions That Work! Issue 20

Just as some were skeptical about the influence that robotic automation would have (remember robots painting robots?), some today are skeptical regarding Artificial Intelligence’s ability to resolve bottlenecks, adjust energy consumption, and send alerts before equipment begins to fail, preventing expensive downtime. Others too, are concerned about their place in all of this. In this Q&A we will explain how AI is deployed in the foundry floor for the highest level of automation optimization, and the key role that operators will have in setting targets and making important judgement calls to respond to real-time data telling them that attention is required. Multiple global foundries have now harnessed AI to cut scrap by a staggering 86% per pattern, shrink their costs and reduce emissions. But simply buying an AI solution and expecting that alone to make a difference is naïve. Technology, data, people, and internal systems must all come together and work in harmony to derive real and lasting value from an AI investment. Proven change management techniques — such as those in the classic 8-step Kotter model — are central to realizing AI’s potential for foundries. Whether it’s vertical and horizontal green sand molding, or high pressure and low pressure die casting, a commitment to change management is the common factor amongst the leading foundries that have successfully implemented, or are implementing AI-driven optimization. NINA DYBDAL RASMUSSEN Senior Vice President & Head of Monitizer Norican Group ARTICLE TAKEAWAYS: • Understanding AI and its foundry floor applications • Technology, data, people, and internal systems must work in harmony • Success requires a commitment to change management Continued on next page “Hands off and lights out” AI-controlled process automation for foundries might sound revolutionary but it’s already starting to happen. With the right infrastructure and processes in place — and a successful change management program — it could be part of your future too. 19 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS IMPACTING THE FOUNDRY FLOOR — ARE YOU READY? TECHNICAL TOOLBOX ISSUE New technologies have been at the forefront of Industry 4.0 for obvious reasons. Most can understand the economic benefit of reducing downtime, energy, and scrap — that’s the easy part. The hard part is wrapping your head around ever-increasing computing power, machine learning and using data analytics to make it all happen.