Simple Solutions That Work! Issue 19

45 COMMUNICATION ISSUE Contact: NINA RASMUSSEN [email protected] will need to know the tonnage produced on a particular casting, whereas the melt shop will need to know how much more iron is needed, while the maintenance teams will need to see key machine performance metrics such as hydraulic cylinder pressure to reveal any developing problems. Ideally, any system should come with pre-built, foundry-specific KPIs and dashboard reports ready to roll, plus a standard API for data export to other software apps. But you should also be able to set up and edit your own KPIs and dashboards to customize tabular reports, graphs yourself. This will enable you to see and report on the trends and variables that are important to the particular processes you manage. Along with broad local language support, alarms are essential to support automatic process monitoring. Setting custom alarms for one or more variables will alert you to issues before they turn into downtime – such as decreasing hydraulic cylinder pressure – to take immediate action. In order to minimize false alarms, configure alarms based on multiple conditions or thresholds. DIGITAL PROFIT Whether it's supporting predictive maintenance, cutting scrap or feeding into emissions measurements, ignoring digital data is becoming a losing option. Data shows clearly what works and what doesn’t—steering your foundry towards the most efficient and productive ways to operate. Selecting a complete solution that’s already tried, tested and proven to perform in any foundry will give you the best chance of realizing digital system’s many benefits. Remember, simply buying an IIoT solution will not generate value on its own. When planning a digital transformation strategy, consider what's needed from your digital partner. Foundries produce in very specific and demanding environments. We suggest ensuring that your digital solution is also foundry specific.