Simple Solutions That Work! Issue 11

We are pleased to be presenting our 11th issue of Simple Solutions That Work ! on a topic that is important to all of us: Making Your Installation a Success. Daring to do something different, such as adding robotic automation, RFID technology or a 3D printer to your foundry, separates those that understand how to move a company forward from those that prefer the inherent job safety that comes from comes from ‘doing what everyone else has done for the past 50 years.’ In this issue we present installation solutions that discuss everything from the recovery of green sand clay all the way to Industrial 4.0 and everything in between. One thing is for certain, there are real reasons to be concerned with adopting a ‘status quo’ mind set. Additive Manufacturing technologies are changing the way we produce, smart technologies are changing the way we operate, and virtual reality technologies are changing the way we train, demonstrate and layout new factory floors. And, all of this is changing on a global playing field. What to do first? Easy – start by reading. There is plenty of information with quantifiable data that is readily available on all of these transformational technologies. Go—dare to be different. Jack Palmer President, Palmer Manufacturing & Supply, Inc. jack@ palmer A NOTE TO OUR READERS GET THE FREE APP! WANT TO SEE MORE? VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO GET PAST ISSUES! palmer PALMER MANUFACTURING & SUPPLY INC. PUBLICATIONS © 2019 Palmer Manufacturing & Supply, Inc. All Rights Reserved